Field lab for zero-emission construction
The Exploded View Beyond Building is also a field lab for emission-free building. We have set up a cooperation programme with the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO). In 2022, TNO has tested 9 innovative materials and building methods from The Exploded View Beyond Building in a field lab to see whether and how they can contribute to CO2 and nitrogen reduction in construction.
TNO has not only analyzed the 9 innovations for climate impact, but also for application possibilities and development prospects. By actively involving architects, builders and policymakers in the research, in addition to producers, the questions and needs from these market parties are also included and valuable collaborations with the producers are created. The field lab helps producers take the next step in the development of their material.
Market parties involved:
BPD, Buro Kade, Buyers group biobased bouwmaterialen, Caspar de Haan, Conceptbouwers, Fiction Factory, Primum, Provincie Noord-Brabant, Regio Alkmaar, Roosros, Space and Matter, Stichting Agrodome, Van Gelder, WAM&VanDuren
Some words from our partners:
Van Gelder: “We need alternative materials that we can apply. For now, and in the future. This fieldlab helps to take steps in this direction and to ensure that the new products also meet the requirements set by our clients. By jointly helping start-ups such as Waterweg and Omlab, we are creating a market with truly sustainable products.”
RoosRoss architecten: “The consultation with the producers in this field lab gives us even better insight into the creation of biobased materials. It makes us critically and positively curious about further development. In order to propagate our vision and to inspire clients, we have developed a call cell in which we have applied SeaWood Materials, among other things.”
Buro Kade: “Our focus is on applying sustainable materials and processes in daily construction practice. The transition from experiment to the new normal. Sustainability must always be substantiated with data, otherwise it has no value. The field lab retrieves this data. This helps in our aim to build an average terraced house with 80 percent renewable raw materials in 5 years.”
TNO Fieldlab and, … ACTION!
The Fieldlab provides more knowledge, more evidence, more cooperation, but also more questions. New questions that need new research, new collaboration and new experiments to find answers. Because what we have known for a long time and what this field lab also shows:
“To really build sustainably, you have to look at the entire system”.
Hence this action agenda. A call to action for everyone who sees a role for themselves in this transition to take the next steps together. Read more here.